West Row

Baptist Church

Welcome to

West Row Baptist Church

Welcome to

West Row Baptist Church

A little bit about us

West Row Baptist Church is an F.I.E.C. affiliated church in Suffolk which was formed over 200 years ago.

We are an extremely friendly church and we would love for you to feel for yourself the warmth joy and friendship that we enjoy at any one of our weekly meetings.

Church News

Holiday Club - April 2025


It seem barely possible to believe, but it was 2019 when we held our last Holiday Club for the young people of the community. COVID landed, threw plans up in the air, and sadly we have had a few years not hosting them. But.....that all now changes, WE ARE BACK!!!!!!

This year we will be having a holiday club in April on Thursday 10th (10:00-3:00pm), Friday 11th (10:00-3:00pm), Saturday 12th (1:30-3:30pm) & Sunday 13th with a special Holiday Club related Family Service (10:45-12:00pm).

Bible Stories, crafts, games, singing, prizes and much more!!!!  If you are aged between 5-12 years old, come and join us!!

Please note that the deadline for registration is Fri 28th March.


Men's Breakfast - March 2025

The next Men's Breakfast will be on Saturday 1st March.

We've been having a really interesting time this year already continuing with our discussions on certain men in the Bible.

Starting the morning off with a cooked breakfast, who could miss that, once we have had our physical fill we buckle up and continue with a look into the Bible, certainly something for everyone.

We would love to be able to welcome you to any of these sessions. For more information please reach out to Richard at richard@westrowbaptist.org.uk who takes numbers for the chefs each month!!

Easter 2025 Services

Easter is just around the corner and we would love for you to be able to join us at any of our services at this time of reflection and celebration.

We will be meeting at the following times: -

Good Friday - 18th April

Evening Worship - 6:30pm

Easter Sunday - 20th April

Morning Worship - 10:45am

Evening Worship - 6:30pm


What's on during the week?

Midweek Prayer

Tue-Fri, 7:00am-7:30am

We meet together on Zoom for our morning prayer meeting.  We start each session reading a chapter of God's word and then pray.

If you would like us to pray for something for you, please send us an email by clicking the button below.  Even better still - join us as we spend this time in prayer together.  The best way to seek God's face at the start of each day. 

Email Prayer


The Puritans.

Our next video session on the Puritans is 16th September, join us on Zoom to learn more about them.

Request Zoom Meeting Info

here to help

Do you need a quick phone call, somebody to be prayed for, maybe need some shopping picking up, if you need support, and we are able to do anything to support you, we will do our utmost to help out.

For more information contact Pastor Evan at evan@westrowbaptist.org.uk




West Row Baptist Church have a reseller agreement with the 10ofthose.com website.  If you click their logo to the left, you will see our pastor's recommended reading list.

We receive a small commission on any purchases made from the 10ofthose.com website via our reseller portal.