West Row

Baptist Church






9:45am - Sonrise - Young Adults' Bible Study (2nd Sunday of the month)

10:00am - Morning Prayer Meeting

10:45am - Morning Worship (Incl. Sunday Club & Nursery)

6:00pm - Evening Prayer Meeting

6:30pm - Evening Worship Incl. Lord's Table (1st Sun of the month)

7:00am - Morning Prayer Meeting

12:30pm - Community Lunch (3rd Tue of the month)

7:00pm - Elders Meeting (1st Tue of the month - not Aug)


7:00am - Morning Prayer Meeting

7:30pm - Prayer & Bible Study (1st, 3rd and 5th Wed of the month)

7:30pm - Home Groups (2nd, 4th Wed of the month)

7:00am - Morning Prayer Meeting

9:30am - Jelly Tots (Term time)

8:00pm - Deacons Prayer Meeting on Zoom (1st Fri of the month)


7:00am - Morning Prayer Meeting

3:30pm - Adventurers (Term time)

7:15pm - JAM - Term time

7:30am - Men's Breakfast (1st Sat of the month)

Church Calendar

Throughout each week there are a number of different meetings, catering for all age groups within the Church itself and the community that we are in.

Our primary activities concentrate on sharing the message of the Lord Jesus Christ through Sunday worship services and our mid-week Prayer and Bible Study / Home Group sessions.

Tue-Fri mornings from 7:00am to 7:30am we have a prayer meeting in the back schoolroom.

For more details on the other activities, please the short summary of details noted below. Should you require further information please contact the activity organiser noted at the bottom of this page.

Please note: whilst our calendar below provides details of the preachers, sermon topics, midweek meetings etc. that are in scheduled, the method by which each will be held may vary - if in any doubt please contact Evan at evan@westrowbaptist.org.uk or on 07717 214622 and you will get the appropriate information needed.



These meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month from 7:30am to 9:00am.  With breakfast served at 8:00am, followed by a short Bible study, it is a good time to share a meal and fellowship.  It is open to members of the fellowship as well as those from outside of the Church.

The Community Lunch is held on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:30pm.  In operation for nearly 20 years, this popular lunch provides a time where people can sit and enjoy a hot meal together.

After the lunch, a short talk from the Bible is given or sometimes a personal testimony.

It is a good time of fellowship and all ages are welcome to attend, so why not come along!  For those who do not yet know the Lord, this is a good time to ask questions and get to know why we believe the Word of God.

All will be made very welcome.


For any of the following meetings, please contact our pastor Evan King: -

Mid-week or Sunday Prayer Meetings

Sunday Worship Services

Mid-week Prayer & Bible Study / Home Groups

Community Lunch



Youth Work

Contact details for each youth group is noted below:-

Sunday Club & Sonrise - Martin Bedford



Jelly Tots - Agi Brown



Adventurers - Janet Taylor



JAM - Neil Green


Other Activities

All remaining contact details are noted below:-

Mens Breakfast - Trevor Edwards
