West Row

Baptist Church

School Assemblies - Pastor Evan King has the privilege of being able to go into the local school, West Row Academy and conduct assemblies periodically throughout the school year.

Jelly Tots - This now well established group have been having a fantastic load of fun with babies and toddlers (and mothers and carers as well of course!) between 9:30am and 11:00am.

Each Thursday morning during school term time, we all descend upon the back schoolroom and have a great time with all, celebrating birthdays, playing, making things, singing and much much more.

It’s a chance for you to come and have a drink and a chat whilst your little people get involved in a variety of things.For more information contact Agi Brown - jellytots@westrowbaptist.org.uk

Sunday Club - meets every Sunday at 10:45am.  We encourage the children to stay in the main service with us until approximately 11:15am when we all go out for our time together.

God blesses us with a group of approximately 16 different children joining with us to hear about God's Message.  Each session starts with a time spent together discussing what we have been doing, celebrating birthdays, singing, remembering other children around the world and learning memory verses.  The group is then split into 3, according to age ranges.

As a group of teachers we are conscious that we have to ensure that we remain relevant to the changing environment that our youngsters are growing up in without detracting from the most important message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For more information contact Martin Bedford- martin@westrowbaptist.org.uk


Sonrise - In January 2017, West Row Baptist Church started a new Young Peoples' Bible Study on Sunday mornings prior to the main Morning Worship Service called Sonrise.

The sessions start at 9:45am with a light breakfast. From 10:00am we then spend up to 30 minutes looking into various aspects of God's Word specific to the challenges and situations that our young people find themselves experiencing.

This group is for any young person who is currently in academic year 12 and upwards. The group meets most months - check the Church calendar for the next one.

We recently spent some time looking into the parable of the Prodigal Son and how that is relevant to their lives.

For more information contact Martin Bedford- martin@westrowbaptist.org.uk


JAM - we would like to thank you for taking time to read all about our youth group which is for young people in school year 5 and above.  We would like to give you a quick rundown as to what actually happens at JAM.

JAM is actually short for Jesus and Me and this is our main aim to share Jesus Christ with the young people in West Row and surrounding villages.  We meet every Friday evening (in term time), we kick off at 7:15pm where we begin with a few active games such as speedball, crab football, human battleships, dodge ball, rag hockey and bucketball – these games usually last up to 45mins.  After a time of active games we then have a short time together listening to God’s word.  This time together may involve a particular focus on a Bible Character like Joseph or Esther or a more topical subject for instance; if we could ask God one question what would it be??  During these talks we may have a time of interactive discussion too.

For the final part of our evening together we sometimes have a more leisurely activity such as quizzes, human Cluedo and other more relaxed games.  The evening finishes at 8.15pm.

Usually once a term we spend time with other church youth groups in the area where a similar programme is followed, we may also go off campus for a night of bowling or the local sports centre.  Throughout the evening a tuck shop is available from which you can purchase sweets and drinks.

In the summer months we do try to take advantage of the lighter evenings and hopefully nice weather so that we can play active games outside such as rounders, catch the flag and the wide game.  We may also venture out into the village for a treasure hunt or trade an elastic band for something bigger and better, this seems to bring much fun to the young people.

During the summer holidays we try to arrange a week away at a young people’s activity centre, located in mainland UK.  This is a week where we can have more fun together playing competitive team games, outings and enjoy a lot of food prepared for us.  The camp does involve a time of listening and trying to understand what God has to say to us from his word the Bible.

We try to put together a fun filled programme each week and it would be great to see you so why not come along and see for yourself what JAM is all about.

For more information contact Neil Green - neil@westrowbaptist.org.uk


Adventurers - This after school club is for Reception age to academic year 4 on Fridays at 3:30pm to 5:00pm during term time.  So, what's it all about?  Well, what’s happened?  The school week has finished....it’s time to blow off some steam and settle into the coming weekend....

Get yourself along to Adventurers and have a great time of fun.  Maybe you’ve been to Jelly Tots in the past?  Maybe you have no idea about what we do here at West Row Baptist Church?  One thing that you can be guaranteed - it will be fun, fun, fun!!!  Come along and join us!!  We hope to see you there.

For more information contact Janet Taylor - smarties@westrowbaptist.org.uk

School Connections

Youth Groups





Bible Exhibitions - for a number of years now we have hosted Bible Exhibitions at the Church which sees every child from the local Primary School come up and learn more about certain aspects of the Bible and the characters within it.  Using display resources from the Open Air Mission, we have have had exhibitions called 'The Amazing Journey', 'The Life and Time of Christ' and most recently 'Pilgrim's Progress'.

We have been running annual holiday clubs for decades at the Church.  Over the last decade we have seen over 500 children come and share in the fun and games, the challenges, the crafts and activities and learn more about God and His Bible. Pirate themed, sport themed, Egyptian themed, royal wedding themed, holiday themed, space themed - the fun knows no end!  Summer 2019 saw us all consider some of the BIG things in the Bible!!

Annual Holiday Clubs

West Row Baptist Church has a varied and active ministry for young people.  Ranging from a number of weekday mother & toddler and youth groups, Sunday Club, local school connections to annual holiday clubs, we wholeheartedly believe in sharing the message of God's love with the young people of the Church itself and the wider community in which we serve.  A short overview of the groups is noted below, with more details further down the page.

Jelly Tots runs every Thursday 9:30-11:00am during term time for parents/carers and their babies and pre-school toddlers.

Come have a drink, a chat and the little people can have fun playing, making things, singing and much more.

At WRBC we are committed to following guidelines from the Government (and other agencies) on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including the safe assessment of any worker in Church activities.  We have a formal safeguarding policy which can be seen on request from the Church Office.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult connected to WRBC you can email our Safeguarding Coordinator, Neil Green.

Note: WRBC's Safeguarding Policy is based upon Thirtyone:eight's model policy, their website can be found here.

At West Row Baptist Church we try to accommodate the needs of all who come in. If you and your child are joining us for a Sunday Morning service we would like to welcome them to our Sunday Club. Throughout the week we have a variety of youth groups and would like everyone to feel welcome. If your child has Additional or Special Educational Needs or Disabilities and you would like to speak to someone about how we can support you and your child please contact Abigail Brown at send@westrowbaptist.org.uk.

Alternatively, please complete the the linked form to the right - SEND Form.

Adventurers after school club runs every Friday from 3:15-5:00pm during term time for school children from Reception age to academic year 4.

The school week has finished, it's time to blow off some steam and have some fun - come along and join us.

JAM youth group runs every Friday night from 7:15-8:15pm in term time for young people who are in school year 5 and above.  Each week we explore the Bible in a creative and interactive way, and discuss how and why it is relevant to our lives.

Sonrise is held every other Sunday morning throughout the year - aside from a short break during summer.  For young people in academic Yr 12 upwards. With a key focus on preparing our young people for college and university by concentrating on doctrine, life challenges and so on, this group seeks to bring God's Word in a relevant way to the youth.




Sunday Club is held every single Sunday throughout the year.  For young people aged from 3-16, different groups meet according to age, where we spend time together learning more about God and His love for His people.

Youth Work

Weekly Groups

WRBC Safeguarding


Additional Activities

Group Details




Jelly Tots

Safeguarding Children