West Row
Baptist Church
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the lord of hosts"
Zechariah 4:6
A distinction is maintained between ‘the members’ (those formally examined and enrolled) and ‘the congregation’ (the wider gathering of those who come for worship and fellowship).
All applications for membership shall be made to the elders, who shall arrange that applicants be interviewed and names of those recommended for membership brought forward to a members’ meeting. In the absence of any valid objection the applicants should be received into membership. The elders shall only recommend those who:-
It is not essential that those who join the church must fully understand all the depths of the doctrines set out in the basis of faith, for it is within the life of the local church that God’s children grow in grace and knowledge of the Saviour. A deeper understanding of these matters is, however, required of elders and deacons.
Responsibilities of Membership include:-
All disciplinary action, however undesirable or extreme, must be exercised in a spirit of love and humility, along with an earnest desire to maintain the honour of Christ’s Name and purity of His church. Basic to all discipline is self-discipline, as the Holy Spirit applies God’s Word to individual lives and convicts of the need for repentance, reformation and holiness.
The Grounds for church discipline are four-fold:-
The Manner in which discipline is exercised is in three main ways:-
Relation with other churches
The elders shall encourage and strengthen biblical unity and fellowship with other local churches. However, the church can have no fellowship with those who deny the fundamentals of the faith set out in the doctrinal basis.
Evangelism and Missionary Work
As a consistent priority the elders shall ensure that the Lord’s command to preach the Gospel locally and further afield to all the world is kept before the church. In the village of West Row, the Evangelism of a Godly-life is our chief means of reaching others.
Sectional activities, speakers and materials
All the leaders of activities within the church must be approved by the elders, as must all who serve in any formal capacity within the church. Reports shall be made on these activities at members’ meetings from time to time.Similarly, all speakers invited to address meetings of or in connection with the church, all teaching materials used in the church, and all literature distributed by or through the church, must have the approval of the elders.
Any amendment or addition to this constitution must have the approval of the elders and the support of at least 80% of the total membership.
The Lord Jesus Christ, when he was on earth, commanded that believers should observe two ordinances - namely Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
By immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, upon profession of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, baptism symbolises the believers union with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection, and also with fellow believers in the Body of Christ. Baptism does not itself convey regenerating grace.
Any unbaptized Christian, may apply to the elders for baptism at any time.
The Lord’s Supper
By the eating of bread and the drinking of wine the Lord’s Supper is a memorial of our Saviour’s death until He comes again in glory at the end of the age. The Lord’s Supper is not a sacrifice for sin, and does not involve any change in the substance of the bread and wine; Christ is present at the supper through the person of the Holy Spirit, apprehended by faith alone.
Any Christian, whether or not a member, may participate in the Lord’s Supper which shall be observed at frequent intervals. Participants who show no evidence of the new birth shall be warned against further participation. The elders shall strongly exhort members to participate in the Lord’s Supper whenever possible.
The main purposes for which this Constitution has been drawn up are:
Definition of the Church
THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH of the Lord Jesus Christ consists of those of every race, every land and every generation, who are chosen by God the Father, redeemed by Christ’s death and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
THE LOCAL CHURCH is a visible manifestation, in a particular locality of the universal church. It comprises of a company of Christians who meet together to worship the Triune God, to observe the ordinances for believers of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; to minister to one another for mutual edification; to pray and worship together; to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world; and to grow into a holy people unto the Lord.
Definition of a Christian
A Christian is one who, having been born again of the Holy Spirit, has repented of his sin; received the Lord Jesus, by faith, as Sovereign and Saviour; and has been made a child of God.
The doctrinal basis of faith held by West Row Baptist Church is as follows:-
The chief principles of church government are as follows:-
The function of elders is three-fold:-
a) To govern the local church.
Authority in every aspect of the church life is committed to them, and no decision or policy may be implemented which does not meet with their approval.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17
1 Peter 5:2-5; Acts 16:4
b) To shepherd the flock.
They are to guard the local church from error and false teaching, and to feed and strengthen the members with the Word of God, caring for each individual soul.
Acts 20:28-30; Ephesians 4:11; Hebrews 13:17
1 Peter 5:2-5; James 5:14
c) To teach the Word of God.
Some amongst the elders may have a gift for preaching; all, however, must be able to teach, and must fully understand and agree to the doctrinal basis and rules of church practice.
1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9; 1 Timothy 5:17
The Qualifications
for elders are laid down in detail in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, from which passages it is plain that no woman may hold this office.
The Number
of elders shall be determined by the availability of men with the scriptural qualifications for the office, and the spiritual and pastoral requirements of the church.
Wherever the word ‘elders’ occurs the possibility of the singular ‘elder’ is to be recognised. If at an time there should be no elder in the church, then additional responsibility will rest upon the deacons to ensure the correct running of church affairs.
If it is felt appropriate, assistance may be sought from the eldership of a like-minded church with which West Row Baptist Church is in fellowship.
Appointment of Elders
The current elders will recognise a man with the stipulated qualifications and recommend his appointment to the Church members for their approval.
They must seek the face of the Lord and know His precise will on such vitally important matters.
Elders shall serve for life, unless they have to be removed from office for any serious reason.
The reasons for which an elder shall be removed from office are:-
The Minister or Pastor
shall be recognised as the presiding elder and (wherever possible) shall be set aside full-time to labour in prayer and the ministry of the Word.
His appointment shall be as for the other elders, except that he may be called to office from another church, having first visited and preached in the church, and his Call will be positively confirmed at a members’ meeting.
If he should wish to resign, he shall give at least three months written notice to the church, though at the discretion of the other elders this period of notice may be waived.
The Pastor’s salary shall be determined by the elders and deacons together. In the event of his death whilst in office, the church shall provide for the immediate maintenance of the pastor’s family.
The Function
of deacons is to attend to the material and financial affairs of the church. allowing the elders to concentrate on their duties of their own office.
From the body of deacons, it is normal practice for the elders to appoint one to be secretary and one to be treasurer.
The Qualifications
for deacons are laid down in detail in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 with which compare Acts 6:1-7, from which passages it is plain that no woman may hold this office.
The Number of deacons shall be determined by the availability of men having the scriptural qualifications for the office, and the practical and administrative requirements of the church.
The Elders appoint Deacons with the consent and approval of the Church Members.
Meetings of Church Officers
The elders should meet as often as possible for prayer, study of the Word and discussion. The deacons should meet as and when necessary, when the minister or another elder would ordinarily be present and act as Presiding Elder.
(The elders and deacons should also meet together as and when necessary for prayer, study and discussion).
Meetings of Church Members
At least three Church Members Meetings shall be held every year, with the purpose of giving the elders and deacons an opportunity to report on their work; giving members of the church an opportunity to discuss such items as are set on the agenda and to hear reports on the different activities of the church; and to receive recommendations from the elders.
Due notice of two Sundays shall be given of any members’ meeting.
As soon as possible after the end of the year the annual accounts shall be presented to church members for approval and adoption.
All proceedings at members’ meetings shall be confidential and may not be discussed outside the membership.
Church Constitution
Gospel Unity -
March 2020
Women in Ministry -
March 2020
Same Sex Marriage -
March 2020