West Row

Baptist Church




We meet at: 10.45am Sunday mornings and 6:30pm on Sunday evenings

Where: West Row Baptist Church, Chapel Road, West Row, IP28 8PN

Worship: We fundamentally believe that worship is a part of the whole service, including singing, praying, reading the Bible, listening to the preached Word and learning more about our loving God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Music: We sing hymns from both Mission Praise as well as Christian Hymns.  WRBC is blessed to have a talented range of musicians and, as a result, we enjoy a variety of instruments during singing depending upon the service.

Sermons: The teaching at WRBC is Bible based, expository in nature and the Word of God is central to all of our services.  If you have missed a sermon series or you would like to listen again, click here.

Communion: On the first Sunday of each month we have communion immediately after the evening service - see the Church calendar to confirm dates.  This open table is for all those who acknowledge the Lord's working in their lives and are born again, saved by the blood of Jesus.

Sunday Club: Young peoples' groups run during the morning service in separate rooms.  The Church offers creche facilities for babies, with Bible teaching and other fun activities for those from 3 years old through to 16 year olds.  For more information on WRBC young people go to Youth Work.

Visitors: We openly and warmly welcome all visitors - regardless of whether you attend another church or if this is your first visit.  Please do come along and join us on a Sunday, it would be great to see you.  Stay for coffee, tea, biscuits afterwards and meet some new people and share in a time of fellowship with us.

WRBC recognises the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.

Our Wednesday nights are a mixture of Prayer and Bible Study at the Church as well as Home Groups which operate in four homes of Church members.

Prayer and Bible Study:

The 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays are Prayer and Bible Studies.  The third Wednesday in the month we also have communion during the meeting.

Throughout the year, some Wednesday nights have a missionary focus, where organisations that we support or other interesting groups come along and share about the work that they are doing for God.

Home Groups:

On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays we meet in Home Groups, a more informal gathering but still with a focus on growing in our faith with God and learning more about His Word.  We have covered Discipleship Explored, John Piper's Why we Believe the Bible, John Snyder's Behold Your God Series and also discussions on a sermon from the Sunday previously.  We encourage open discussion - but don't be worried - there is no expectation for anyone to speak, come along and just join in as much as you wish.