West Row

Baptist Church

Pastor Evan's Blog

Christmas 2016

Well another festive season is nearly upon us and perhaps there are a few who will be blessed enough to be taking a vacation. In thinking of that, have you ever missed your bus, train, ferry or airplane all because you were late? It’s not pleasant when that happens but it’s not “the end of the world”. There’s always another one to catch! It may involve more expense, sitting around waiting and the rearranging of schedules but all of that is manageable and somehow we get through even if it means just staying at home!

Busses, trains, planes and ferries do not wait – they have a schedule to keep and as far as it depends on them, keep it they will as times are arranged far in advance. Yes, sometimes rosters are changed due to circumstances we are told “outside of their control”. Snow, leaves on the line, rough seas etc. are some of the excuses we are used to hearing and the traveler is then just expected to be patient and make other arrangements or go along with the new schedules of the transport company concerned.

It may surprise you to know that God also has a schedule. One we read about in the Bible that He planned before He created the world. We know from the Bible that God is perfect in all His ways and thus He is never late! His plan is perfect, He doesn’t need a plan B, He doesn’t need to ever rearrange His timing. Everything has and will happen just as God has planned despite the chaos humanity causes each day! The time is set in God’s schedule when He will return and deal with each one of us whether we are alive or dead! That time is scheduled in God’s diary and known to God alone. In the Bible in 2 Peter 3:10 we read, “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.” The question you need to ask yourself is “Am I ready?” When that day comes, there will be untold grief and misery for some and it will be too late. It will be “the end of the world”. Anyone left behind will face an angry God – alone.

I wonder if you are on the journey to Heaven? How can you be sure? Well, you need to realize that, you too, “miss the bus” – every day in fact! God has given us rules to obey and everyone, yourself included, break them. The Bible says “there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Romans 3:12). One wrong thought, a tiny lie, a thoughtless deed and you’ve “missed the bus” and your entry into Heaven is barred. Your situation is totally desperate and your relationship with God is severed.

But the message of Christmas is one of INCREDIBLE hope! The hope begins in a manger and leads to a cross. The only way to be assured you are on the right path is to fix your eyes on Jesus. He and He alone is the ticket to Heaven. Unlike us, He never “missed the bus” and His perfect life satisfied a perfect God. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.“ (John 3:16). An amazing transaction took place when Jesus came to earth and died on the cross. God agreed that because Jesus obeyed His rules, a “big swap” could take place. Jesus took the sin of all those who would ever trust in Him on Himself. In exchange, God credited repentant sinners with Jesus’ perfection. Without you having to pay a penny or do a single good deed to earn your salvation, He can put you on the Heavenly bus. He has paid the bus fare. Just acknowledge the hopeless situation your sin puts you in and turn to God for help. Ask Him to forgive your sin and to help you trust in Jesus for your redemption. When you do that, God sees you as being perfect and you have a ticket to Heaven! Not your good deeds but Christ’s perfection grant you that ticket and then, because you love Him, you will strive to do what makes Him happy. This Christmas seek Him and then join us on the trip to eternal joy. Believe us, it will be the ride of your life! May God put you on board this Christmas

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